Thursday, October 30, 2008

Photoshop + Picture of your girlfriend =

The Drinking Fountain...

So, I think it's safe to say that we all hate the drinking fountains...They never know when you're in front of them, and their incredibly low to the ground. I have my theories on why they're the height they are, but why they're such a pain to get started is beyond me. Couldn't they have put in a button that turns the fountain on? I guess that would be too archaic considering the White Stag's progressive status. Anyways, in my ongoing quest to combat obnoxious technology, I offer this solution to the problem with our beloved drinking fountain:

3D Poster Project!

So, I've figured it out. Making 3d images with Photoshop is a breeze. Now, I'm off to find something to investigate using the unique abilities of 3d posters. Here are some test examples:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Class Blog-Interface Sound

Here's an example of how our class' blog would sound as you mouse-over the blog entries. Why not take it for a spin?!
Copy and paste this link:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

High concentrations of plastic debris in the ocean

I found a video about parts of the ocean that collect floating plastic debris in a kind of gigantic whirl pool called a Gyre. Basically, tons of plastics that are thrown into the ocean get caught in these circular currents, which end up leaving large concentrations of plastic fragments floating in the water. Animals eat the plastic, and non-native species attach themselves to it, causing biotic mixing, where no-native species populate in areas they shouldn't be. Check out the videos, they're pretty interesting.



Rad Silkscreen t-shirts!

I got some new threads from Lonely Dinosaur at the Portland Saturday Market. They've got some funny shirts there. Check them out if you're downtown Saturday or Sunday. Here's what I got:

I can count to 20 in Japanese. Can you?

So, I'm learning Japanese for fun. After taking 3 years of Spanish in college I thought it would be rad to learn another language, plus Japanese toys/pop culture are fascinating to me. Here's a video that teaches you how to count to 20 in Japanese. It's really fun, and proves the rumor that anything can be learned in half the time if you sing it! Check it out.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Here are some sketches I did a few days ago. ...Robots are rad!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Justin Timberlake LoveStoned Video

Say what you will about ex boy-bander Justin Timberlake, but his video for LoveStoned is worth watching. As an admirer of video effects, and good music production, this video is on the top of my list right now. If you're into advanced effects and compositing you should try and figure out how they produced the effects you see in the video.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chromeo-Mamma's Boy Music Video

Here's a cool video by the band Chromeo. It's all animated using line drawings, and towards the end the drawing style becomes San-Francisco-psychedelic. Check it out it's totally rad.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fortuneteller Experement

So, the Valentine's day card has inspired me to create a fun little fortuneteller. It may or may not work...I haven't printed it out yet, but I think it will be fine with a few touch ups. Here's how it works: You spin the wheel for 3 seconds, then pull the tab on the right-hand side to reveal the color you landed on. Next you pull out the fortune key on the left-hand side, and read your fortune...Sound fun? If you wanna help me write fortunes leave them as comments and I'll put them in!

Valentine's Heart Card Experiment

Packaging design has always fascinated me. When you pick up a CD case made out of paper, or a can of coffee shaped like an oak barrel, the experience of the product becomes far more engaging emotionally. So, after a month of thinking about picking up some packaging design template books from our library, I finally went and checked them out today. For my first experiment, I modified a template I like from one of the books. I chose this particular design to play with because I thought that the cut-out paper that reveals the inside of the card created an engaging optical effect. The content of the card comes from the fact that my birthday is on Valentine's Day. Also, I've got a thing for hearts.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

3D-poster project

I decided to take a stab at making a series of 3D posters. I'm still working out the kinks of getting them to really pop out. I think I'm getting closer...If anyone know of a good 3D poster making tutorial let me know; I'd really appreciate it. So, here's my first attempt. The shapes in it are supposed to resemble candy corn.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A-HA, Take On Me, Remix!

Ummm, so someone did a great service to humanity when they dubbed over the original version of A-HA's, Take On Me, video. It's one of the funniest re-cut works I've seen so far.

Check out the GRL

The GRL (graffiti research lab) has this really cool laser projector, which allows them to write projected graffiti on just about any surface. They also have various DIY projects (like the bullet cam, LED magnetic tags and throwies) that have instructions on how to make your own. It's a good resource for inspiration and information. Check it out here:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tokyo Flash Watches

Tokyo Flash has some of the best examples of watches that break the boundaries of conventional time-telling. Their artistic take on timepieces is a must see for designers, collectors, and art enthusiasts.

UNKL Brand Vinyl

For a few years now, UNKL (an offshoot company of the Portland design firm Big-Giant) has been designing some of the coolest vinyl toys around. Their clean, minimalist style is a must see for vector art junkies, and fans of modernist art.

Biden Wins VP Debates!

Tonight, "The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. said 51 percent of those polled thought Biden did the best job [in the debate], while 36 percent thought Palin did the best job. Respondents thought Biden was better at expressing his views, giving him 52 percent to Palin's 36 percent. On the question of the candidates' qualifications to assume the presidency, 87 percent of those polled said Biden is qualified and 42 percent said Palin is qualified."

How did you feel about tonight's debate:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

WOW, my first blog entry since LiveJournal was cool in 2002!

Hello world! I hope you're all doing well. Today marks the beginning of my dive into the fascinating world of online blogging!